Creating the foundation upon which our young generation can build, shape, sharpen and add value to their intellectual and human potential.
By imparting quality education with discipline in an increasing array of fields to the students in rural background, we can envisage population problem that is not a weakness but strength. Evolving institutional environment conducive to the creation and use of leading edge knowledge and skills. Improving attitudes and habits of our learning community.
Pursuit of excellence and drive for outstanding performance.
Welcome to R.A. College
Shri Thakurdasji Malani
Mr.Sudhirji Rathi
Dr. Omprakash B. Zanwar
Provisional Merit List of BCA (Non-CAP) of the session 2024-25 26-Oct-2024 / 1:44 PM
Vacant Seats for BCA for the Academic Year - 2024-25 (Against CAP) 25-Oct-2024 / 1:49 PM
Admission Notification 2024-25 - Admission to Seats against CAP (ACAP) / Institute Level Quota for BCA 22-Oct-2024 / 3:09 PM
R. A. College - Category-wise Seat Matrix for BCA 29-Sep-2024 / 4:39 PM
Admission Schedule of CAP Round 1 (BCA) 29-Sep-2024 / 4:34 PM
List of Students of CAP Round 1 (BCA) allotted to R. A. College, Washim 29-Sep-2024 / 4:33 PM
Link for the Academic and Administrative Calendar of the Session 2024-25 10-Jul-2024 / 6:16 PM
Brochure for detailed information about MAH-B-BBA/BCA/BMS/BBM CET Examination 2024-25 29-Jun-2024 / 3:57 PM
Notice dated 28/06/2024 regarding examination of MAH-BBA/BCA/BMS/BBM/CET- 2024 Additional CET Application forms filling (A.Y. -2024-25) 29-Jun-2024 / 3:59 PM
One-day Workshop on "Understanding NAAC's Criteria and Preparation of Self-Study Report (SSR)" on May 17, 2024. 22-May-2024 / 4:14 PM
SGBAU, Amravati
University Grants Commission (UGC)
National Assessment and Accreditation Council
Felicitation of Rutuja Kaple for Gold Medal in District Level Kick-Boxing Event